Monday, November 23, 2009

Hippo's Hero Moment

A few people have mentioned (okay, just one) that they don't think of themselves as 'heroes'. They're 'just sidekick material.' This led me to ponder about the true meaning of heroes, the role of sidekicks, how good chocolate cake is. (Sometimes my thoughts wander.) Here's my conclusion: everyone's a hero and a sidekick. Depends on the adventure. Even Batman has been a sidekick. This is the Justice League's way of keeping us all humble. The trick is to learn if this is YOUR adventure or someone else's (i.e. am I back-up support or is this my responsibility to save the population?).

Let me illustrate my point with a little story about Hippo. Hippo is usually Stars the Mighty's sidekick (one of many). He is eight inches long, four inches tall and a beautiful pink. He has long eyelashes, bright pink toenails, and yellow ears. He has a big heart and lots of giggles. Lots of giggles. All the time in fact. Giggling is actually Hippo's super power. Once he starts, it's hard for anyone not to join in. Even bad guys forget to take over the world when they are laughing with Hippo. He's just that much fun. But the story of Hippo's giggle is a story for another day. Today, I want to tell of the time when Hippo Saved Ducky. Perhaps I should let Stars the Mighty tell you the story. (And yes, he does tend to tell his stories in third person. Heroes do that sometimes.)

Stars was sitting in his Den of Solitude and he realized Hippo was not giggling. "Hippo, why are you not giggling?" And Hippo said "Because you are sitting on Ducky." And Stars went *gasp* and jumped right up. And Stars asked, "Are you okay Ducky, do you need mouth to mouth?". And Ducky said "yes" and then Ducky's little voice was heard "thank you Hippo". And Stars gave Ducky kisses and he gave Hippo kisses and Hippo started giggling again. The End.

So there you have it, ladies and gents. Everyone can be a hero to someone. And giggles and kisses are always welcome. ;)


  1. People can also be chocolate cake heroes. Like the time you taught me how to make ganache. And sometimes people can be chocolate cake sidekicks. Like how I have a big bowl of ganache in my fridge and a spoon right here and... well, it is my super duty...

  2. Of course Stars has lots of sidekicks--he's so awesome! The hardest part of being a hero is knowing when to let someone else be one and just be the sidekick. Gotta go...Hippo's giggling about something and you know what that means!

  3. Annie, sounds like one dangerous mission ahead. Be strong. Eat the chocolate boldly. ;)

  4. Shayla, wherever you hear giggling, you know an adventure awaits.
